Chicken liver is a supplement or a drug for pets

Chicken liver contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin D, phosphorus and other ingredients. Many shovelers will give their pets chicken liver. But if you search for things about dogs eating chicken liver, you will see a lot of poisoning reminders. In fact, the reason is very simple – excessive consumption.

Eating chicken liver once in a while is good for your dog’s health, but if you only eat chicken liver or eat chicken liver too often, it is a drug for your dog.


What are the dangers of excessive consumption of chicken liver to pets?

Vitamin A poisoning: Because chicken liver contains a large amount of vitamin A, if it cannot be discharged in time, it will cause vitamin A accumulation poisoning, causing pain, lameness and tooth loss and other diseases. Such diseases are a gradual process that is often difficult to detect at an early stage, and by the time they have caused irreversible damage.

Obesity: Because chicken liver is rich in fat and carbohydrates, excess energy in dogs and cats that eat liver for a long time will cause obesity, and being too fat will increase the incidence of diabetes, pancreatitis, and cardiovascular disease.

Itchy skin: There are many growth-promoting agents in chicken feed. Most of these chemicals are metabolized by the liver. Therefore, eating chicken liver for a long time will cause food allergies or chronic accumulation poisoning, which may easily lead to skin diseases.

Calcium deficiency: Because the liver contains high phosphorus and low calcium, and phosphorus has an inhibitory effect on the absorption of calcium, long-term single consumption of liver will lead to the lack of calcium in the body, resulting in rickets in young dogs and cats or rickets in adult dogs and cats.

Bleeding: The body’s coagulation requires the participation of calcium. If dogs and cats eat liver for a long time and cause calcium deficiency, it will cause coagulation dysfunction, and chronic bleeding or acute bleeding will not easily stop bleeding.

Postpartum convulsions: Dogs and cats that eat liver for a long time lose a lot of calcium due to breastfeeding after giving birth, and their calcium reserves are very small, so they are prone to hypocalcemia, manifested as panting, salivation, convulsions, and limb stiffness.

Although eating liver for a long time has various disadvantages, it does not mean that chicken liver should never be eaten. In some cases, chicken liver is a good supplement for dogs and cats, so which dogs and cats can eat chicken liver properly?

Pets prone to colds and diarrhea: The high content of vitamin A in chicken liver can be used to enhance the body’s resistance.

Pets with poor appetite or severe illness without appetite: The good palatability of chicken liver can be used to stimulate appetite and gradually restore digestive tract function. Be sure to control the amount, or you will develop a bad habit of being picky eaters.

Poorly nourished, stunted or thin pets: The high protein content of chicken liver allows them to increase their nutrition and strengthen their physique. 

Chicken liver is rich in nutrients, and it is not bad for pets to eat or use it as a supplement occasionally. However, it is recommended that friends who have cats and dogs in their families usually feed cats and dogs as pet food, and can give cats and dogs chicken every 1-2 months. Liver tonic and blood (puppies and cats are more likely to suffer from anemia in the growth stage). Any food is the same, you need to grasp a principle of moderation, otherwise it will become a “drug”.

Post time: Jul-04-2022