Obesity in pets

With the gradual improvement of material levels, not only human beings are facing the problem of obesity, but pets carefully raised by their owners are now also suffering from overweight problems. Chubby pet dogs and cats are really lovable, but the excess fat also poses a great threat to their health. They cannot express their needs and ideas as clearly as humans, and are caused by excess fat. A variety of problems can cause pets to experience slow movement, reduced quality of life, pain, and emotional distress.

. Causes of pet obesity

1. Variety reasons. Small breeds such as Chihuahuas, short-haired dachshunds, and bulldogs tend to gain weight.

2. Blind feeding. Some pet foods currently contain high levels of salt and fat, which can lead to excessive eating and obesity in dogs.

3. Lack of exercise. Due to limited conditions, many dogs are currently raised in apartments with very little exercise, especially older dogs, which often lead to obesity due to insufficient exercise.

4. Caused by disease. Some diseases, such as endocrine disorders in dogs, abnormal metabolism, abnormal thyroid and adrenal function, etc., can cause obesity.

5. Indulge pets. Some owners dote on their pets. For their food needs to be satisfied, the most common phenomenon is to feed the dogs with leftover meals and biscuits from the three meals at home, which is also an important reason for dogs to gain weight.

. Pet obesity identification

The so-called obesity means that the weight of the dog has exceeded the normal range. To detect whether the dog is overweight, one is daily observation, and one feels that the dog is significantly fatter than before; the other is to refer to the relevant weight information of various breeds of dogs; three can touch the sides of the dog’s chest , It is normal to easily feel the ribs under the cortex. If you feel that there is a thick layer of fat and you need to use force to touch the ribs, you are overweight and obese. You can also go to the pet hospital for veterinary identification.

.The danger of pet obesity

 excessive accumulation of fat and can cause various diseases. Obese dogs are heat-intolerant, clumsy, easily fatigued, unable to move their internal organs normally, susceptible to bone and joint diseases, heart disease, high blood pressure, fatty liver, diabetes, pancreatitis, cortical overflow, etc. Breeding breed dogs The reproductive capacity of the patient will also be reduced, and problems are likely to occur during anesthesia and surgery. Usually, the disease resistance is low, and the life expectancy will naturally be shortened.

. Pet weight loss method

1. Order a meal plan

Weight loss can be achieved by controlled reductions in the caloric energy of food. To this end, you can use commercially available low-calorie pet food, or reduce the original food intake. It should be tried a few times before finalizing an eating plan. The selected feeding program should be implemented for at least two weeks, after which the feed will be further reduced based on effect. The dog’s weight loss program is to feed 40% of the calories needed to maintain the target weight per day for a period of 12 to 14 weeks. Divide food into two or three small portions each day. This reduces hunger and allows each meal to be fully consumed. During the weight loss phase, pets will definitely feel hungry. No matter how pitiful his face begging for food, don’t budge.

2. Weigh yourself regularly

The execution of a pet weight loss program should be carefully tracked. Weigh yourself once a week, preferably at the same time of day and on the same scale. Show your weight changes on a time-based graph to boost your confidence and motivation. Pay attention to your pet’s expression, touch the fat layer on the body regularly, and consult your veterinarian regularly to determine if you need to modify your weight loss plan.

3. Participate in sports more

Although it is impossible for most animals to lose weight with exercise alone, gradual increases in exercise volume should be encouraged. Never force a severely overweight dog into excessive exercise, which can put unbearable stress on the heart and lungs. For dogs over 25% of their target body weight, they should be taken for slow walks every day. Be careful not to allow your dog to obtain additional food through wild picking, predation, or begging from neighbors.

4. Prevent repeated fat gain

Once your pet reaches the target weight, maintain it. For dogs prone to obesity, it is best to feed branded foods and pay attention to weight in order to find the optimum amount of food. Instead of repeating the same mistakes and returning to the habit of overfeeding, adjust the diet according to the amount of activity.

.Business Opportunities for Pet Weight Loss

Nowadays, owners who have learned about the dangers of pet obesity through various channels have begun to spend a lot of energy to help pets lose weight, and many organizations that specialize in helping pets lose weight have emerged as the times require. For example, the annual salary of a professional pet dieter in the United Kingdom is about 20,000 pounds, or about 172,000 yuan. There are many institutions in the United States that offer an annual salary of more than 50,000 US dollars, which is about 344,000 yuan in RMB, which is equivalent to a monthly salary of 28,000 yuan. Pet acupuncture, pet underwater treadmill, pet yoga and many other pet weight loss programs make the selection of pet owners who need to lose weight for pets dazzling. There are huge business opportunities in the market for professional pet weight loss. The introduction of traditional pet weight loss methods combined with the projects of professional pet weight loss agencies can allow pets to quickly and easily achieve significant results on the road to weight loss.

Post time: May-16-2022